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A Nightingale’s Song

| M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 142 (Jul - Aug 2021)

This article has been viewed 11052 times

A Nightingale’s Song

With the fire of grief, ever burning inside,
This humble heart of mine cherishes you day and night.


With its grief and worries plunging into sweet dreams,
My heart aches, O please, look at this servant once


Seeing you—be it a dream—is the sweetest purpose
Your very state and attitude, more beautiful than angels


Set your throne upon my heart, this time please let it happen
Those who subject us to eclipse, may God give their retribution


No more trace in hearts, of the initial meaning and excitement
Time passing without you, no different than the longest night


So many years have passed, since the sun’s setting
With gloom and hope, my heart has been palpitating


Here I remained sitting… hoping “the beloved will reach!”
To wipe away the tears I shed, with a soft touch.


Waiting all along, for this heart-grief to end,
The moment of awaited reunion, should not be wasted,


“Keep hopeful, be expectant!” the voice inside me says,
May God protect what is in hand, from devilish eyes.


Surely, one day the truth will take wing
Hang on tight to your hope, stop worrying.


The final breath of time bears an air of spring,
As nightingales sing, songs of glad tidings!...

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