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Editorial: What Is Beneath?

| The Fountain | Issue 149 (Sep - Oct 2022)

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Editorial (Issue 149): What Is Beneath?

How likely it is to be in a pub in one of remotest corners of the world and hear in an open mike session a poem on foundational questions about life from both scientific and philosophical perspectives? Not so likely. That’s exactly what Kathleen V. Tatem did in an Irish pub in Hawai’i a few years back – looking into some of the deep questions like the direction of time through the language of physics, mathematics, and philosophy. Hers is a poem with Irish rhythms which heal the soul while stimulating minds with theories of physics and philosophy in order to serve as a bridge between polarized groups. Tatem has an educational background in physics and philosophy, and has recently founded Tatem Research Institute to continue her efforts to seek answers on foundational questions, to seek “what is beneath, the metaphysics within physics.” She suggests the poem should be read aloud, for it was “written to be heard.”

In this issue, our journey in science continues with Dr. Sumeyra Tosun, a professor of psychology from Medgar Evers College of CUNY in New York, who walks us through the Qur’an alongside scientific theory. As opposed to the “science or religion” camp, Tosun is for “science and religion,” for she believes – and convincingly argues in her article – that many verses of the Qur’an can be suitably read in line with the basics of scientific approach. She juxtaposes A. D. de Groot’s empirical cycle (observation, induction, deduction, testing, evaluation) with a number of verses to show how God is in fact commanding each believer to be a scientist and explore His creation with an empirical investigation method.

Covid still continues to impact our lives. As schools are starting in the northern hemisphere, people are concerned about how their daily lives will be affected and how long this will last. Thankfully, we are not as unprepared as we were two years ago. Whether it will something like a flu in the future or transform into something with a major toll, one thing we should always remember is how so many healthcare workers courageously stood their position to take care of the sick during the pandemic. Lisa Villarroel, the Medical Director of the Division of Public Health Preparedness at the Arizona Department of Health Services and her brother, Matthew Jager, a public health writer, is telling about their share of tribulation during the pandemic in “A True Public Health Story.” We will forever owe to the authors and their colleagues for being there for all of us during the pandemic and other times.

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