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Fantasies and Necessities

Lead Article
When we first began dreaming of revival, things could have been much different. If we had taken a more controlled approach to both matter and spirit, carrying both side by side, our mental, spiritual, and physical actions could have been more balanced.
| Fethullah Gulen | Issue 161 (Sep - Oct 2024)

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Fantasies and Necessities

In This Article

  • In our conception of civilization and culture, the human being and humane values have always been priorities.
  • Science was innocent, technology sinless; we, especially the semi-educated intellectuals, were the ones who developed and shaped science and technology as we wished.
  • When we first began dreaming of revival, things could have been much different. If we had taken a more controlled approach to both matter and spirit, carrying both side by side, our mental, spiritual, and physical actions could have been more balanced.

For years, we have ignored our true needs, chasing after some fantasies as if they were necessities of life. Sometimes unable to discern what our real needs were, and other times mistaking some of our luxuries for needs, we tied our lives entirely to such luxuries and lived in contradictions. What we pursued at times not only failed to meet our true needs but increased them; so much so that, just like a person whose lungs are parched from thirst drinks seawater in an attempt to quench their thirst, only to become more dehydrated, we too become dependent on fantasies that do not address our needs. We have become slaves who will never be able to escape the shadows of gloom. 

The only thing we really need as a society is to escape this foolish game of blind-man’s bluff, and bring to life our deep-rooted religious, national, ethical, and educational disciplines. If, during this period of great need, we ignore our own concept of a sound culture, does this not neglect and destroy the soul of our society?

In our conception of civilization and culture, the human being and humane values have always been priorities. Despite this, how have we come to adopt a worldview that contradicts our long and rich history, spiritual roots, and heritage? By adorning ourselves with many unfitting fantasies, we have destroyed both our social harmony and our national stature. Indeed, whether due to ignorance or lack of judgment, we have blindly welcomed many imported elements that have replaced our rich values and history, all the while we merely watched. Unfortunately, during this miserable period, our minds became slaves to our whims and desires; our reason was bound by tradition; our willpower was weakened; and our judgment was impaired by the narrowness of imitating others – thus, we have lived in misery as victims of the age, chasing one luxury after another. 

In this period of gloom, trapped within the triangle of our logical deficiencies, moral weaknesses, and intellectual insufficiency, we have submitted ourselves to death as if caught in the Bermuda Triangle. We resembled lifeless corpses, and our intellectuals were truly pitiable. These intellectuals failed to see the bigger picture of natural phenomena and events as a whole. They were deficient in analysis, they meekly advocated imitating others, and they pathetically engaged in self-denial. They thought they were making progress, but they stumbled and crashed, failing to overcome obstacles. 

But we have no right to blame others; ultimately, we were the ones who blatantly strayed from the path of truth, and thus, it was our responsibility. In fact, nobody should ever attempt to blame science, technology or other reasons like “we are surrounded with adversaries.” Science was innocent, technology sinless; we, especially the semi-educated intellectuals, were the ones who developed and shaped science and technology as we wished. We made all of life blindly dependent on them. Therefore, if we must find the culprit, we should first look among ourselves.

Indeed, we have been the ones who have failed to interpret the human being, the universe, and all the events within it in reference to their true Owner; instead, we derived incorrect meanings and attributed everything to nature and worldly causes. We made even the clearest, most evident things incomprehensible. We perceived – and led others to perceive – that there was no purpose in the existence of this book of the universe – despite its crystal-clear statements – and its custodian – the human being. For some reason, we were incapable of seeing the transcendent aspect of existence and made many unfounded speculations regarding creation and nature. We were neither capable of approaching existence with an analytic perspective, nor were we able to say anything consistent regarding the truths that lie beyond existence. We misperceived, misevaluated and were constantly baffled by these misleading results. With these successive errors, we continuously committed successive sins – sins for which we have been suffering destitution and various afflictions.

When we first began dreaming of revival, things could have been much different. If we had taken a more controlled approach to both matter and spirit, carrying both side by side, our mental, spiritual, and physical actions could have been more balanced. At the very least, those who were able to study could have turned their attention towards metaphysics, faith, and aesthetics that was in line with our considerations, our basic sources of values, just as much as they did to mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, and biology. We could have achieved much different, and more beneficial, results for all humanity than what we have today. Alas! Not only did we disregard metaphysics, but we also opposed it, thinking it was necessary for enlightenment. We treated insignificant, material matters with extreme sensitivity while totally ignoring our intellectual, psychological, and spiritual needs. Einstein said, “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” In line with this aphorism, we have produced many who are both lame and blind. Science and research needed to be taken seriously, and we should not have made any mistakes in this regard. Given this, it seems strange that while we devote such attention to the physical dimensions of humanity and existence, we completely ignore the metaphysical. We ascribe everything to matter, physical power, and economics, and we have classified these as the basic factors that will transform the world into Paradise.

No one should ever assume that we underestimate matter, power, or economics. Yet, if today humanity is in a serious state of despair, with generations sinking deeper into conflict, causing greater harm and dishonor, then we need more than what material prosperity promises. Indeed, it is quite clear that despite all efforts, a materialistic perspective cannot fulfill people’s need for meaning or achieve much in terms of societal peace. Unfortunately, we placed a great deal of importance on mundane considerations and material wealth – some of us even considered them indispensable. While trying to escape the superstitions that denigrated our spirituality – which is a praiseworthy effort – many of us became entangled in the superstitions of materialism, which rejected much of our heritage. As we strayed from our national roots, we found ourselves trapped in a cycle of instability. In searching for answers, we went from one extreme to another – from strange mysticism to the most extreme materialism, with its myths and the idol of naturalism. While trying to escape the jinn we fell into Satan’s devious trap.

And even worse still, amidst such turmoil of thought, some, having completely lost their faith, have reduced the truths of humanity, matter, and the universe to the domain of the senses, insisting on following “materialism,” “positivism,” and “naturalism,” while refusing to accept anything else. Some have preferred to follow various theories of knowledge which could be likened to some of the early philosophers’ ideas on mind and soul. Thus, they attributed every aspect of the universe and creation to reason, completely ignoring human emotions and how these feelings perceive the world. During this period, as we abandoned our most important sources of reference, we continuously faltered amidst the confusion of thought and constantly competed with one another. Because these long years were spent in unproductive conflict, we have made no progress.

Even today, our ancient heritage remains a source of dispute, and we are often unable to do more than gossip about it. Sometimes we seem so focused on destruction, as if programmed to do nothing but tear things down, we pretend to be on the right side and try to show our destruction as construction. Thus, we continue our age-old conflicts. We have destroyed countless monumental values in a single blow, and as we did so, we constantly envisioned that we would replace them with even better values. What a great pity! So many centuries have passed, yet we have been unable to put in place even fake copies of what we destroyed.

If we had submitted ourselves to the True Owner of existence, we could have ended this chaotic situation and achieved a new revival with the power, discipline, virtue, and wisdom generated by faith in God. However, this does not mean that such an endeavor is impossible in the future. Yet, to date, it is somewhat difficult to say that we have actually accomplished anything of true significance. To make real progress, it is essential to raise a generation of faith and revival. A generation that is not confined to the calculations of today, but considers tomorrow and the days beyond. A generation that is as much the children of today with their actions as they are bound to eternity and to the reckoning of a very long future. A generation with faith and discipline.

A healthy, promising society requires the raising of a generation with these qualities. A society that consists of selfish individuals who work only for the interests of their own families is merely a mass deprived of communal qualities. The strength of a society is directly related to the harmony between its members, and such harmony depends on a deeply rooted and transcendent fraternity and love that flow from people’s hearts. If we are not capable of saying or achieving anything more effective or influential than in the past, what is the point of raising our voices to sound as if we are? 

Our society today is obliged to begin anew by turning toward the essential dynamics upon which our magnificent past was established. If society cannot actualize its values of faith and unity, and thus revive its cultural heritage, then it appears difficult, if not impossible, to escape the current chaos by certain mere technological power and scientific advances. I believe that to overcome the various crises we presently face, it is necessary to stimulate faith, love, enthusiasm and hope across all segments of our society. We must reinterpret faith based on its original sources and according to the perceptions of our age. If a religion is stifled in terms of its spirit and separated from its divine origins, only to be confined to the interpretations of a banal worldview, then that religion cannot provide what is needed of it, nor can it voice a new message to the world. A religion God sent to humans so they can attain happiness both in this world and the hereafter cannot depend on individuals’ pleasures or their arbitrary interpretations. Such a religion cannot be regarded as a mere set of principles designed for worldly, materialistic interests and transient joys. The message of a religion cannot be restricted by interpretations contrived for the benefit of certain individuals or to conform to the requirements of a particular period of time. Doing so is to destroy that religion and replace it with our own aspirations and desires. 

As to why “faith” has been stifled in our recent history, one can point to factors such as fanaticism, a lack of vision, and the disloyalty of some of the faithful, as well as the hostility of its disbelieving enemies. “Faith” was sent to convey a message and to penetrate the hearts of people, but to do so in its original form. It did not appoint others as its spokesperson, and no one had the right to speak on its behalf. And yet, in our age, where “expertise” and “specialization” are emphasized in every field, many of us feel confident, like experts to speak about matters of religion without shame or embarrassment. If only religion were also granted its own voice. There is so much more to say on this subject, however, it would exceed the length of this article.

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